AutraSense Trading Review 13/06/20

Recovery from currency

Trading in the week of  8JUNE is challenging.

System encountered SP500 dropped from 3200 level to 3000 level in one day. We have two index EFT in our portfolio - US500 and UK100, and was impacted by the single side draw down and accumulated some stop lose. But the portfolio is able to recover in day 5, with whole performance still maintain at 8% return in June. 

Those currency pairs , which  just being added in this week,  and are under modeling setup stage in first day 1 and day 2. From day 3, lots size neural network model start to perform at later this week,  we expect more recovery activities is on the road in week 3 of June and whole June return could be reach to 10% or even higher. 

One thing need to call out is, AutrasSense is petty heavy in the lots size opening. Considering 10K as total investment, reach 8% return in 2 weeks, total 100 lots being opened in two weeks. We expect the total lots for June could reach to 200. That number is pretty attractive to IB and fund managers. Assuming you will get $7 return for every one lot being completed, the total IB/lot return will reach to $1400, which is almost 14% return per month. 

We have also start the real account test from this month. The trend is very close to our forward test account. We encountered 2 day lose and being recovery on the day 5.  We expect better trading result in rest of two weeks in June. 

We will continue exploring the opportunity to add in more currency pairs in the total portfolio, to continue reducing the draw down with stable monthly return. 

Reference: live trading result under myfxbook: