AI Trading Technology


AutraSense 自觉

AutraSense is an end 2 end automated trading solution, newly developed by, powered by the latest AI - machine learning technology. 

Please check the introduction of AutraSense.

自觉,是由 AUTRATEC 最新开发的,基于人工智能 - 机器学习的构架而设计的交易方案。 

AutraSocial 智群

AutraSocial is a P2P and cloud based social trading (copy trade) platform, with better security and data protection, performance and features.  Ready to integrate with AutraSense - AI/Machine Learning technology in the near future. 

Please check the introduction of AutraSocial and get your free community version to start your fund management business. 

智群是以P2P云平台为核心的交易网络。 和现有的 COPY TRADE 软件相比,提供更好的数据安全,性能和功能。并未来与人工智能 AutraSense 无缝连接。  请下载我们的免费社区版,开启你的资金管理的旅程。

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